#TrumpVsTruth symbolizes
a spiritual issue, concerning Conflict Vs Conflict-resolution. At a critical
time in history, the issue of Trump Vs Truth must be used to highlight questions
about character for leadership; either being ethically prepared to initiate and
sustain wholesome practices, or being empowered by unethical and inadequate character
to heal divisions. As this issue symbolizes self-involved identity Vs virtuous
maturity, Trump Vs Truth highlights a central dilemma in human development, between:
Facts used to Refine Feelings, Vs Feelings used to Deny Facts. Generally speaking: Evil thrives on feelings being
used to substitute for ethics and facts. In contrast, Wisdom reflects a strong sense
of heaven, used as a tool to review, reject, forgive, and work to amend, the nonsense
that hell speaks to get attention.
Since objective facts can stand in contrast to subjective
feelings, the truth is that: The strength of our feelings can deny and defy facts
that we otherwise need to grow. Consequently, Trump Vs Truth symbolizes all
issues where timely perceptions for society to heal are challenged, by leaders and
followers engaged in providing and consuming fictions; whereby, unwarranted
conflict is nourished. For instance, regarding “climate change denial”: Truth has rapidly become “just a
matter of subjective opinion” among some folks; based on deceptive leadership,
that aggregates public trust with lies; not for what the public truly needs, but
for a leader’s self-involved ambitions. When ethics confronts self-involved motivations
for status, greed, control, sex, or dominance, solid science and virtues are regularly
rejected by “strong” leadership, based on puny character. In reference to all people in all aspects of society:
In decision-making, social tensions are remedied or worsened as Facts Vs
Fictions generate Conflict Vs Conflict-resolution; based on how well or how
poorly individuals balance Emotion Vs Logic. Thereby, in interconnected
dimensions of universal human development, as we lead or follow objective truth
or “alternative facts”, our timely Vs untimely influences auger psychological influences;
which can damn creative change, or magnify miraculous imagination.
To survive psychological threats to the evolution of
sustainable principles and practices for collective human development, individuals
need to contemplate authentic wisdom for personal and global
conflict-resolution; reflecting a timely universal philosophy and psychology for
leaders and followers to heal divisions. Regarding our impacts on life as a (W)hole ®, without universal truths to deal with
daily fictions: Potentials for terror are magnified, as narrow-minded and
untimely leadership engages us in following any negative path, in search of a
positive outcome. Because untimely leadership ultimately ill-affects family,
national, and global interactions: Hell grows when leadership by means of moral incompetence talks high,
based on low motivations, and shallow understanding.
Regarding leadership to exceed chaos, I think it was
insightful of my father to have once used the idea of being “well” as a symbol in
a sermon, saying: "It is not enough for you to know that you are well, nor
for others to see that you're well; but if you would encourage other sick
folks, you should tell how you got well, and who treated you." Sadly, concerning
the influence of my father’s character, his self-control was not that of a “well”
man. On the contrary, he was comfortable to actively court attention, based on
appearing to some to be genuinely fit to lead. Along one line of thought, perhaps
this was due to Christ being less of a behavioral model for him than simply a
focal point, good for pious ritual pulpit shows. Moreover, as symbolized in Trump Vs Truth, perhaps the
authenticity of my father’s leadership for conflict-resolution was undercut, under
the spell of the devils in his lies and arrogance. But, since making timely
changes in our personalities is more difficult than vain self-worship, it could
be said that my father's faith in Christ was at odds with itself; as when political
speech is used to talk “unity”, yet act with allegiance to amplifying divisions.
Then again, without seeking adequate assistance to do otherwise, perhaps my
father's character projected shadows that inadequate character is helpless but
to do. In that sense, I am reminded of him preaching about “the forked-tongue
of original deceit”; used to infest the Garden of Eden with the death of
innocence; based on using a lie to sicken sanity death. In this sense, since processes
of untimely death are imposed when leaders and followers act under the control
of “original deceit”, it is up to willing individuals to self-cultivate the dynamics
of sage character. Thereby, ideal consciousness for leadership can evolve peace,
as a practical change: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l16riInjg4 .
-Rev., Prof., Gola Wolfson
Richards, B.A., Human Development Psychology, M.A., Theology;
The Book of Changes: Yin/Yang Philosophy & Psychology of Consciousness and Change